Brought forward ahead of a major redevelopment scheme planned after the London Olympics in 2012, Spence were contracted to undertake a phased regeneration scheme to Euston Station.
‘By engaging Nandos, Fat Face and Ed’s, the project has created a destination of Euston Station, rather than a means to a destination. In rising so well to overcome the challenges of the existing station this development is testament to the hard work and collaboration of the collective team!’
Bob West, Head of Urban Design and Renewal, Camden Council
The main objective of the project was to deliver a series of retail, route and OCS sponsored enhancements and two major renewal schemes at Euston station that would deliver specific benefits ahead of the Euston Major Development Scheme, commencing in Spring 2013. In doing so the project delivered increased incremental income whilst improving the environment for travelling passengers. To facilitate this, NWR delivered the project in the form of a design and build contract to Spence. Spence’s aim was to deliver a functional and aesthetically pleasing passenger environment.
In order to achieve this, two new pavilion structures were built, each containing several retail units. Enhancements to the front of the station were carried out by repaving the entire piazza area and creating modern seating to improve customer experience. The refurbishment to two exisiting station facilities was undertaken and these were converted into lettable retail space with new facades and mezzanine decks.
Our job, in what were some of the station’s busiest areas, was to ensure all work was carried out with the minimum disruption to passengers, shoppers and rail staff. By creating extra thoroughfares as work progressed, Spence managed to carry out the entire project whilst barely leaving a square inch of the external concourse untouched.